Everything home builders need to know about Construction White Cards
May 15, 2023

What is a White Card?
A White Card is proof that you have completed an approved construction induction training course. The training provides basic knowledge of construction work, health and safety laws, common site hazards and how to control the associated risks.
White Cards are also known as Construction Induction Training Cards or General Construction Induction Cards. In some states, a previously issued blue card or red card may still be accepted.
Who needs to have a White Card on a residential construction site?
Everyone carrying out construction work needs to have a valid White Card. This includes people who may not be on the tools, such as Principal Contractors, Site Managers and Site Supervisors. Essentially anyone who enters a construction site that is unaccompanied or not directly supervised by an inducted person needs to have a White Card.
Who is responsible for checking everyone on site has a valid White Card?
Employers must make sure that anyone intending to carry out construction work has completed the required training before they start work. An Employer is required to keep a record of their worker’s training and competencies including White Cards.
White Card holders need to make sure they can show their White Card for inspection while on-site.
As a Principal Contractor, what’s the easiest way to make sure everyone on my building sites has a White Card?
Residential construction sites have people coming and coming all day. The HazardCo system automates the process of checking White Cards and makes it really simple.
When a worker scans into your site they will be guided through a site induction and prompted to submit a photo of their White Card by taking a photo of it. The photo of the White Card will be shared with you and saved for your records.
Does a White Card expire?
A White Card doesn’t expire as long as the worker keeps up their competencies. If they haven’t worked in the construction industry in the past two years, the White Card is not considered to be valid and they will need to complete the training again.
What happens if a worker is on-site without a valid White Card?
White Card training is intended to educate and provide awareness of key hazards and risks within the construction industry. It’s fair to say someone without this training may expose themselves or others to an unsafe work environment.
On top of that, as the White card is a mandatory requirement under Health and Safety legislation, a hefty fine can be imposed, something that no one wants!
How do I get a White Card?
You will need to complete an approved course. Here is more information by state: