Working Safely in Adverse Weather Conditions
Feb 27, 2025

Adverse weather has the potential to hit hard, with strong winds, extreme temperatures, and rain. All of these factors can cause hazards for you and your workers. From trips and slips to numb fingers, heat stroke and damaged gear and equipment, varied temperatures call for specific measures to ensure that your workplace is safe.
Work doesn’t always stop when adverse weather rolls in, so it’s important to know what to do to keep your workers safe. However, if conditions become unsuitable or too dangerous, work should be paused until it is safe to continue.
Adverse Weather Checks and Inspections
When adverse weather starts rolling through, it’s important for you to inspect your workplace. If you are somewhere that experiences heavy rain, make sure that you identify and address, where possible, all wet and muddy surfaces, platforms, and walkways that are used. If strong winds are forecast, check that all materials have been stacked and secured to prevent anything from falling or blowing away. It’s crucial to stress the importance of fall protection when wet and windy conditions are present. To ensure your site is safe, complete a Site Review using your HazardCo App. If you are closing the site during adverse weather events you can use our handy Site Security Checklist to make sure the site is left in a safe condition.
Adverse Weather Driving Accidents
Vehicle accidents don’t just happen on the roads; they can also happen within the work site. Highlight to your team that driving rules for the road also apply to your workplace, and it’s important that they take care while operating work vehicles and equipment. To make sure your vehicles and plant are safe before use, complete either a Vehicle Checklist or Pre-Start using your HazardCo App. Avoid driving if conditions are too hazardous to ensure safety.
Watch the Weather
The last thing you need is for the weather to catch you by surprise. Keep an eye on the weather forecast so your workers can prioritise the work that will be affected should the weather take a turn for the worse, and ensure they have the right gear to do the job safely.
The Right PPE Makes a Difference
Be vigilant when ensuring that workers are wearing proper PPE and suitable clothing when adverse weather conditions are present.
- Safety helmets and hard hats should be worn where applicable, to protect workers in the case of a fall, as well as from falling objects. Using liners under headgear is a great way to stay warm and keep body heat from escaping. Use chin straps to avoid safety headgear falling off in windy conditions.
- Safety glasses and goggles can be treated with anti-fog spray to prevent vision from becoming obstructed.
- Gloves need to be carefully selected to ensure that workers still have a good range of movement when working with tools and equipment.
- Waterproof boots with non-slip soles should be worn along with two layers of socks to keep moisture away from the skin.
Follow these tips to optimise your crew’s safety so you can enjoy a productive season while keeping your team safe.
If you have any questions you can contact our Advisory Team on 1800 954 702.