
Risks change, all day, everyday. That’s the reality of life on site. Managing risk needs to be apart of life onsite. 

Methods change because of different training and experience, people on the job change, there are differences in machinery and materials used, as well as environmental changes from hour to hour.

It’s a lot. 

Risk is a product of the work processes being carried out. So, if the work doesn’t happen, the risk isn’t present.

But, if a work process is defined then risk can be recognised and taken into account. 


The key question tradies and supervisors need to be asking themselves is: 

How do I adapt my task when a change occurs?

It’s not about mountains of paperwork. It’s about 4 simple steps:

  1. Plan: Identify and assess the risk
  2. Do: Eliminate or minimise the risk
  3. Check: Monitor the control measures
  4. Act: Review for continuous improvement

A change occurs. Repeat. 

Plan. Do. Check. Act. 


(You get the picture)


We should all be working towards a heightened sense of awareness on site. And of course, treating risks as priority should be a collective mindset. Reinforced by supervisors who should be adapting plans and guiding teams to take account of the constantly evolving risk environment. 

The power of change in risk can kill, the power of change in process can save a life.

Be the change you want to see.

If you have any questions please reach out to the Hazardco team today 

Reporting incidents and near misses is vital to good business, and that begins with a ‘safety differently’ approach. A prevention before cure attitude. One that sees incidents reported immediately and investigated thoroughly. 

Time and time again we see incidents happen and fingers pointed. What is absolutely vital for your business is a health and safety culture that is open, honest and educated. How do you nurture this culture? You need the right tools. 

Where to document and register all incidents

You don’t need to over complicate matters here. Incidents and near misses should be registered in one convenient place that is easy to manage and draw upon when needed.

The HazardCo App has been designed with just that in mind. Simply log in, report who was involved, if medical treatment was required, and the details of what happened.  Visit the HazardCo Help Centre for assistance on Reporting an Incident.

All of this information is then stored as an incident register in your HazardCo Hub for you to easily access at any time. 

The Advisory team is available 24/7 for serious incidents, give us a call on 0800 555 339

What incidents should you report?

You should report any health and safety incidents or near misses that happen at work. This could be an incident that affects you, your staff, or anyone on-site.

From minor to serious, everyone has the right to know of any threats relating to them in the workplace. Some serious incidents may need to be reported to the Regulator, WorkSafe. You can find out about What events need to be notified here. 

Those affected by the incident are also entitled to a fair and formal record of what happened, be sure to hold a toolbox talk/safety meeting with all relevant workers once the investigation is complete, you can complete this from the HazardCo App or download a Toolbox Talk from the Templates section of your Hub. .

Why you should be reporting incidents

Every single worker plays a part in protecting ourselves and one another in the workplace. By reporting incidents you are helping identify areas where you can work together to improve health and safety, and potentially save lives.

Learning from incidents

We understand that it’s unrealistic to expect no incidents. They can – and do – happen. What’s important is that when they do, workers take time to review and learn from them.

Depending on the complexity of the incident, learning from it might be as simple as meeting with the team afterward to figure out what went wrong, and what can be done to stop it from happening again.

Complete an Incident Investigation Form to determine the cause of the incident and any corrective actions that you need to implement. 

Not your job?

Yes, it is. And that’s why we are so proud of what we do. The HazardCo App puts health and safety in everyone’s hands, so everyone is protecting their workforce and working safely.

By reporting and investigating an incident, you will find the cause, but you are also likely to identify other areas where improvements can be made. Investigations aren’t about blame and punishment, but learning and improving.

No workplace is perfect, and failure will likely occur at some point. Let your workers know this, and that blame is off the table. This is about making sure everyone is safe and able to get on with the job at hand.


We’re here to help. Reach out to our team if you have any questions or need health and safety advice.

0800 555 339 | info@hazardco.com

Winter weather has the potential to hit hard, with strong winds, low temperatures, and of course, lots of rain. All of these factors can cause hazards for you and your workers. From trips and slips, to numb fingers and damaged gear and equipment, cold temperatures call for specific measures to ensure that your workplace is safe during the cold and wet winter months. 

Work doesn’t stop when winter weather rolls in, so it’s important to know what to do to keep your workers safe and warm. 

Working in Winter checks and inspections

When the winter weather starts rolling through it’s important for you to inspect your workplace. If you are somewhere that experiences snow, make sure that you identify and clear, where possible, all snow and ice from working surfaces, platforms and walkways that are used. It’s crucial to stress the importance of fall protection when icy conditions are present. To ensure your site is safe, complete a Site Assessment using your HazardCo App, or you can download a .pdf version from the templates section of your HazardCo Hub, or by clicking here

Winter driving accidents

Vehicle accidents don’t just happen on the roads, they can also happen in the work yard. Stress to your team that winter driving rules for the road also apply to your workplace and it’s important that they take care while operating work vehicles and equipment. To ensure your vehicles are safe for the road complete a Vehicle checklist using your HazardCo App, or you can download a PDF version from the templates section of your HazardCo Hub, or by clicking here.

Watch the weather

The last thing you need is for the weather to catch you by surprise. Keep an eye on the weather forecast, so your workers can prioritise the work that will be affected should the weather take a turn for the worse, and that they have the right gear to be able to do the job safely.

The right PPE makes a difference when working in winter conditions 

Be vigilant when ensuring that workers are wearing proper PPE and suitable clothing when winter weather conditions are present. 

Follow these tips to optimise your crew’s safety so you can enjoy a productive winter while keeping your team safe. If you have any questions reach out to the HazardCo Team 

The construction industry is known for its potential hazards and risks, and unfortunately, incidents sometimes occur. Having an incident on-site can be alarming, but your response is crucial in reducing its impact and making sure the team is safer in the future.

Remember, if you’re a HazardCo member we will support you throughout this process, just give us a call. 

Incidents can range from very minor, to serious incidents. The steps below can be scaled up or down depending on the seriousness of the incident. If you have a near miss on-site, this is also considered an incident. Learn more about reporting near misses. 

Prioritise Health and Safety

The health and safety of the people involved in the incident should be the main concern. Immediately assess the situation to identify any ongoing dangers and take appropriate action to eliminate or minimise risks. Evacuate affected areas if necessary and provide medical assistance to injured personnel. Remember, health and safety should always come before anything else.

Secure the Scene

Once the immediate safety concerns are addressed, you may need to secure the scene to prevent further incidents or unauthorised access. Erect physical barriers, post warning signs and restrict entry if needed.


Maintaining clear and effective communication during and after an incident is really important.

Notify all the relevant people about the incident as soon as possible. This includes workers, supervisors, managers and contractors. 

Report the incident in the HazardCo App

Using the Report Incident feature on your HazardCo App, fill out the fields to capture what happened. Your reported incident will be added to your incident register in the Hub, and HazardCo retains this for as long as you’re a member.

Notifiable Incidents

It’s important to note that some incidents are required to be notified to WorkSafe. These are referred to as notifiable incidents. A notifiable incident is: 

In the event of a notifiable incident, you need to preserve the incident site until a WorkSafe inspector arrives or WorkSafe directs you otherwise. This doesn’t prevent you from helping an injured person or making the site safe. 

For more information on what to do when it comes to notifiable incidents, head over to the  WorkSafe website

Find out what happened and why, then complete an investigation report

Investigating will help to find out exactly what happened and why.  We recommend talking to the people involved as well as any witnesses. For a serious incident, it’s best to speak to everyone individually. 

Document all your findings in a report, including photos and relevant data. In the report, you should look at immediate causes as well as bigger issues and potential improvements to prevent future incidents. HazardCo members can use the guided Investigation Report in the Hub to identify any shortcomings or gaps that may have contributed to the incident and implement corrective actions. This may involve improving training programs, modifying procedures, upgrading equipment, or implementing new safety technologies. 

Communicate some more!

Pass on what you have learned to everyone involved. This is your opportunity to emphasise a culture of continuous improvement and learning to prevent similar incidents in the future. 

Encourage open communication and create a supportive environment that encourages workers to report near misses and potential hazards without fear of repercussions. 

When an incident occurs on a construction site, a swift and effective response is crucial to reduce risks and ensure the health and safety of your crew. Prioritising safety, establishing clear communication channels, securing the scene, communicating and investigating the incident can continuously improve the health and safety of everyone on-site. At the end of the day, these measures protect lives, as well as contribute to the long-term success of the project and your business.

While many industries seem to have recovered post-pandemic, the construction sector is still battling tough conditions.

It’s important to keep on top of your business processes to reduce headaches later down the track. Whether it’s your invoicing, your insurance, or your health and safety, neglecting these things can really hurt later on. Some businesses are choosing to take this time to invest in their current systems and processes, to help them to build a more resilient business that can respond to the market.

Scaled back? 

If your business has scaled back a bit, such as cutting back on help, switching to smaller renovation projects, or you plan to really tighten the belt on the budget for a while, we’re here to remind you to prioritise your H&S. As long as you or your team are on the tools, you need to manage health and safety effectively. This means:


HazardCo is the simplest, best way to nail health and safety 

The HazardCo system helps you to manage your health and safety in the simplest way possible, so you’ll feel confident you are keeping your team and your business safe. The system is designed especially for home builders, and comes with all the reports and templates you need, loaded up with advice provided by experts

Key benefits include:


The Key Takeaway

Health and safety should never take a back seat. It’s still as crucial as it’s ever been and HazardCo’s here to keep you out of strife.

Get a free 7-day trial of the HazardCo health and safety system.

Nail guns are used frequently on construction jobs, including in residential construction. Like all power tools, nail guns can cause serious injury. Nail gun injuries can happen due to accidental discharges whilst moving, carrying, and repositioning. Injury can also happen when fired nails strike other nails or timber knots causing them to ricochet. Incidents also occur when workers accidentally place themselves into positions where they are directly exposed to the projectile path of a nail gun.

The risk of a nail gun injury is greatly increased when using a contact trigger (bump fire or multishot) compared to using a full sequential trigger (single-shot). Most injuries occur when the nail gun is set to ‘bump fire’ mode, resulting in penetrating wounds to the operator or nearby workers.

It’s important you review the type of nail gun trigger system and the extent of information, instruction and training given to workers, particularly inexperienced and young workers.

Tips for managing the risks on site

There are a number of ways to reduce the risk of injuries. We have put together a few suggestions below and we encourage you to consult with your workers about how you can work together to ensure safe nail gun use on-site:

Note: Bump-fire nail guns potentially may be used to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries (e.g. strains and sprains) for jobs that involve high volume production and repetitive tasks. In these circumstances, ensure only highly experienced and skilled workers use these types of nail guns and implement other additional control measures to reduce the risk of injury.

If you have any questions please reach out to the HazardCo Team 

If you perform an activity that is carried out in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision there is a high chance you or your team will be considered lone workers. While working alongside your team may not be an option, looking out for your staff should be a top priority.

People are classed as lone workers if they: 

If this sounds like your workforce, then you need to consider the following:


Naturally, lone workers need to be more aware of risks or threats to the safety of themselves or the equipment/material they are working with. 


Working on your own can be lonely. With no co-workers or customers to interact with or bounce off, people can become isolated. 

Make sure you arrange regular catch-ups to check-in with your team. This could be a simple phone call once a day, group messages or video calls. Don’t underestimate the power of human interaction in these times. 

Organisation isolation

Remote or lone workers require the exact same level of training, development opportunities or important information, as other employees. 

In times like this, keep the lines of communication open with everyone. Just because they aren’t next to you on-site, doesn’t mean they should be less informed. 

Technological isolation

Set your team up for success. Ensure all lone workers have the technology and equipment they need to carry out their jobs as usual. 

Physical safety

Employee safety should be your highest priority. Whether they’re working on-site or in an office or remotely, all risks should be considered and managed accordingly. 

Protect your team by ensuring they have access to the following: 


Communication is key

Whether you have multiple staff working remotely or only a handful, set up a buddy system. It may sound basic, but this is a simple and easy way to not only increase the safety of your team but increase the lines of communication and engagement. 

Have team members check in with each other on a daily basis, share their location, daily workload, and encourage a bit of banter. By doing this, you raise the likelihood that if something does go wrong, it is picked up in a reasonable time. 

Develop an Emergency Plan

Use the Emergency Plan template in your HazardCo Hub to design a plan for how you can get help quickly to your workers in an emergency. Make sure that this plan is tested and all workers who need to know have been informed of the plan. The idea of having the plan is to cover how (or where) you can get help to your workers should an incident occur. As an employer ensure that you hold up-to-date emergency contact details for your workers. 

The biggest tip we can give you is to look out for your team as if they were still with you on-site, or in the office. 

As a plumber, you know your business runs better when you’ve got a good process to manage your jobs. But keeping your job management in top form can be a hard task when you’re on the tools everyday.

Time is money, so the less time you spend making calls to confirm service details or buying materials, the more billable hours you have to complete work. To run your business in a more efficient and profitable way you need to be making the most of your time, instead of getting bogged down by admin.


Here’s how a job management app can streamline your daily processes to bring maximum benefit to your business: 

No more hunting for documents

If your team is using paper quotes or sending ad hoc emails, you’ll be wasting precious time every week trying to find this information when you need it. An app-based job management solution stores all of the information you need in one place so you can find all the details you need, when you need them.

Know exactly where your team is

Do you find you’re frequently making calls to your team to stay on top of what they’re working on and what jobs have been completed? On the flip side, do you find your team calling throughout the day wondering where they should be and when?

Remove the need for these calls with a job management app that shares all job information automatically between you and your team members. Simply log on and you’ll see exactly where your team is, what jobs have been completed, and any other info that you need for the day. All in one convenient place.

Never double up again

A top-tier job management solution cuts down on double data entry and saves you time transferring data between quotes, accounting systems, timesheets, and payroll. By housing all of your information in one central location, all of your data populates where it needs to be so you can say goodbye to unnecessary manual data entry.

Create happier customers

From staying current on all projects to collecting invoices, keeping on top of your customer data is a huge part of your business. A job management solution does more than just keep your contact list in order, it also connects all the information you need to run your business such as current quotes or invoices and past jobs. That way, you can keep your customer history in order, as well as being able to easily check in on outstanding items. 

The time you save when you partner with a leading job management system will not only benefit your efficiency but also increase your bottom line. Ultimately, it helps you direct your time and energy to where it’s needed most. Luckily for you, we have just the guys in mind.

Introducing FieldPulse

FieldPulse is a job management tool with a bucketload of slick features. They give plumbers the tools they need for customer management, quoting, scheduling, and invoicing. You’ll even be able to search the entire Reece product catalogue with live pricing information and submit purchase orders directly to Reece without having to leave FieldPulse.

With FieldPulse’s system, you can save yourself 10+ hours of admin a week. Plus, FieldPulse members have seen a 60 percent increase in customer enquiries converting into paying customers resulting in an average of five new jobs being scheduled each week. Sounds good? Yeah, we thought so.

Sounds like a plan?

As a HazardCo member, you’ll receive 20% off a month-to-month Fieldpulse membership. Sign up for a yearly membership and receive 25% off!

Get on top of your health and safety with HazardCo and keep track of job management in FieldPulse. It’s a win-win!

Get a free trial of Fieldpulse.

As part of our ongoing partnership with Buildxact, we’ve recently built a connection between our two systems to help residential building companies and renovators further simplify their business processes. 

Buildxact is a Software-as-a-Service company specialising in residential construction management systems. Buildxact is headquartered in Melbourne Australia and is used extensively throughout Australia and New Zealand.  

We share a common goal of wanting to simplify home construction by offering easy-to-use digital tools. We are excited to bring together two leading systems and help our members work more efficiently. Our shared vision is to empower builders by helping them to transition to digital systems and reduce their paperwork burden.  

There has been strong market demand to build a connection between HazardCo and Buildxact. The first version of this connection automatically uploads important health and safety documents created using the HazardCo system directly to Buildxact. By storing project documents, such as estimates, quote letters, invoices, alongside safety documents like SWMS or safety induction notes in one easily accessible location, builders can save time. We are continuing to work with our members to get their feedback on these tools and discover what other functionality would be valuable.

The integration between HazardCo and Buildxact comes at no additional cost to builders who are already using both systems.

An estimate being created using BuildXact:

At HazardCo, the safety and well-being of every person on the job site is our top priority. By connecting our leading health and safety system with Buildxact’s residential construction management system, we are providing builders with an integrated solution that enables them to complete their projects efficiently while ensuring a safe working environment.

Learn more about Buildxact and the integration here

Angle grinders are versatile hand-held tools that are used regularly in the residential construction industry.

Serious incidents can occur when using grinders on-site. The most common causes of injury to operators and nearby workers from angle grinders are:


What are some control measures to reduce the risk of injury? 

Here are some control measures to consider when it comes to managing the risks associated with grinders: 


Before use

Before using an angle grinder, check that:


During use

Follow these suggested safe practices when an angle grinder is in use:


If you’ve got a question about safe grinder use or any other health and safety matter, the HazardCo Advisory Team is here to help. Give them a call on 0800 555 339.

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