
It takes a team to build a house. Health and safety takes teamwork too. Here’s a how-to-guide on shared responsibilities.

A Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) is essentially any business doing work of any sort. PCBU’s are required to ensure the health and safety of workers, other contractors, or visitors who might be affected by work operations.

If you are the main contractor engaging contractors, then ‘workers’ will include not just your direct employees but all engaged workers including other PCBU’s employees.

When it comes to overlapping duties, businesses need to consult, coordinate and cooperate so they can all meet their shared responsibilities. 

Some examples of duties you are likely to share include;

*These listed duties are not in their entirety and have been simplified for readability. This is not a full list of duties, it is important to make yourself familiar with health and safety duties. WorkSafe has useful information at WorkSafe.govt.nz, or talk to our Advisory team if you have any questions.

When might duties overlap?
Duties can overlap in a shared workplace where more than one business and its workers influence the work on-site. Another example of overlapping duties might be in a contracting chain, where contractors and subcontractors provide services to a head contractor (or client) and don’t necessarily share the same workplace.

For example, a builder calls a supplier for some material to be dropped off at site, they coordinate that a HIAB is the best way to deliver the goods. The builder will communicate via a Toolbox Meeting to the team that the materials will be delivered, to create a clear stable area for drop off, and to keep clear of the HIAB while offloading. 

Understanding the extent of your duty
When there are overlapping duties on-site, how do you determine the extent of your duty? 

You will need to consider the extent to which you can influence or control the risk in question. 

This can be determined by considering the following: 

Ultimately, the more influence and control you have over the site or workers, the more control you have over the risk – the more responsibility you have. 

Health and safety doesn’t just start at the building site, it will span throughout the entire build cycle. It can start as far back as the concept and design, choice of materials, pricing, and scoping of the works. 

Keeping people safe should always be the top priority on any construction site. And what’s more? Health and safety laws actually require this to be the case. Aligning yourself with other parties, and knowing what safety systems are in place is vital and could save lives. 

What does this mean and how can you ensure that people are not harmed, and you are complying with your legal obligations? Here are some expectations:

  1. Work with designers to reduce risks 
  2. Set clear health and safety expectations and incorporate these into your agreements with contractors
  3. Ensure contractors have appropriate health and safety procedures in place
  4. Prepare a Site Safety Plan for the job and share it with all workers and contractors
  5. Establish health and safety reporting requirements with your contractors. A great tool for this is to use the HazardCo App to complete Task Analysis, Risk Assessments, Incident Reports, and more.
  6. Ensure site inductions take place. Communicate site rules and procedures to everyone who accesses the worksite, this can be done via the HazardCo App by scanning the QR code located on your Hazard Board.
  7. Set up clear requirements for information sharing for the duration of the project
  8. Ensure that there is effective communication between all parties (e.g. Toolbox Meetings through the HazardCo App)
  9. Monitor your workers and/or contractors you hire

WorkSafe also expects businesses to use sound contractor management processes. The following key steps should be followed by the Main Contractor:







Stay on top of these checks with an automated system.

Get peace of mind your contractors are good to go, with an automated system to pre-qualify your contractors, check insurance, trade qualifications and more. As it’s automated, you won’t have to chase contractors for outstanding documents, and you’ll even get a notification if someone scans-in who hasn’t been approved.

Find out more about HazardCo’s Pre-Qualification Tools here, or get in touch with the team by giving us a call on 0800 555 339 or email info@hazardco.com.

With every new contractor you bring on board, remember to tick these boxes to make sure they are going to hit the ground running when it comes to health and safety on-site. It’s your responsibility as the main contractor to make sure these checks and balances are in place.

Pre-qualify the contracting company once a year

There are lots of different ways you can check their health and safety processes. A policy is a good place to start, as well as examples of what they will do on-site if they have an incident and how they will record toolbox talks. You should also ask for an example SWMS for any high-risk work they will do.

Induction of the new contractor 

We recommend checking these items before they come on-site so you don’t forget. Tip: Ask for a photograph of the items for your records.

On-site induction of the worker

The on-site induction is your opportunity to set expectations of how you expect the contractor to participate in risk identification and management. New workers are at a greater risk of injuring themself than your existing crew so a good induction is vital in avoiding injuries and downtime.

Stay on top of these checks with an automated system

Find out more about HazardCo’s Pre-Qualification solution here

There are a lot of things to keep in mind when setting up H&S on your construction site that it can seem overwhelming. Use this guide as a tool to understand what you need to do from start to end of your build.  

Contractor management

Your obligations as the main contractor are pretty straightforward. First, you need to make sure contractors have the right skills and experience to do the job, and second, you need to make sure they are going to carry out the work safely. Once they are on board, you also need to monitor if the contractor is following good health and safety practices on-site.

Collecting evidence of this process is important so we recommend putting a system in place so nothing falls through the cracks.

To understand how your contractors manage their Health and Safety it’s important that you talk to your contractors and check that they can show a commitment to keeping workers and visitors safe. This can be demonstrated through clear procedures outlined in their Health and Safety documents, as well as evidence of risk assessments, monitoring work activities, emergency management etc. 

The following areas should be included in their Health and Safety Procedures:


When you’ve got a lot of contractors coming and going, it can turn into a bit of a headache trying to stay on top of checking all these documents. We’ve created a simple, automated system to nail the pre-qualification of your contractors before you begin working with them, to reduce the risk to your business. 

Find out more about HazardCo’s Pre-Qualification Tools here

Setting Up H&S for your build 

When you start a new build, it is important that health and safety is considered and communicated with everyone coming onto site. If this is created at the beginning of your build, and clear direction is provided and shared, it helps to create and foster a good safety culture on-site. With HazardCo it’s easy to set up your site by creating a project in the Hub, all you need to do is: 

We recommend that before the project starts, you should think about setting up site fencing, emergency equipment, toilets, handwashing facilities. Make sure that you set up your HazardCo Hazard Board with the site-specific QR code at the entrance of the build.

During your build


Health and safety evidence

Documentation is a key way of showing that Health and Safety is active on-site and provides evidence in areas like incident investigations and learnings that are shared from these. This can be in either digital or physical format. Use the HazardCo tools on the App and Hub for all your H&S needs.

If you’re not the main contractor on-site
We recommend that you use the HazardCo App and Hub to manage your on-site health and safety. At the beginning of each day, complete a Risk Assessment on the HazardCo App. This will help identify that the work area is safe and ensure that you have the correct controls in place for common construction hazards. 

Remember to use the HazardCo App to report any incidents or near misses on your site. This will notify the HazardCo Advisory Team and we will help guide you through the next steps.

During your job


The HazardCo Team Pack plus is designed specifically for subcontractors who move around from job to job regularly and aren’t usually in charge of managing larger building projects. The pack is great for managing client or visitor inductions and safety procedures while you’re on the go. 

The Team Pack Plus includes: 


Don’t forget, as part of your membership, you get unlimited access to the HazardCo team. 

Phone Support
The support you need from people who know their stuff. 

It’s important to us that you and your crew are kept safe. You know the drill, we’re here to help, so get in touch if there’s anything you need. You can contact us on 0800 555 339 or email info@hazardco.com.

Are you the main contractor?

The main contractor should be the one that creates a Site Specific Safety Plan for that work, and this should be shared with all subcontractors involved. This will ensure workers are aware of the risks and hazards that are involved in the job at hand. Throughout the job, there should be ongoing communication between all parties, and the risks reviewed regularly on-site

Tendering for insurance work?

Tendering for insurance work may require you to outline how you intend to manage the job safely. Creating a Project in the Hub allows you to identify the likely hazards you may face, select the controls you will put in place, along with all the other required information around how you will safely manage the work. You will be able to download a PDF of your Site specific safety plan (SSSP) to present for tender. Even if the job is only short work it is important that the documentation matches the address of the works, and all health and safety documentation stays together with that job. 

What if the work is only a few days long?
If the job is only a few days long, you can print off a QR code from your Hub to allow workers and contractors to scan in and complete inductions, complete Task Analysis or report incidents etc as necessary.

Remember just because a job is short in time, does not mean it is lower in risk. Often insurance work, especially flood damage work can be high risk. With a high expectation that businesses manage the risk to workers including their contractors.

Contact our team for more information on doing insurance work.

Will you be making any structural changes?
Using a Site Specific Safety Plan will help identify the controls that will be put in place to manage this risk, generally, this type of work can take time, and therefore we recommend ordering a Project and using the HazardCo App to assist your health and safety needs onsite.

Will you be engaging subcontractors?
If subcontractors are going to be engaged in the work, then a Project will likely be needed, but this also depends on the type of work and length of the job. So if you’re unsure, just give us a call and we will be happy to assist.

How old is the building?
Any property built before the year 2000, could contain asbestos. Using a Site Specific Safety Plan helps identify the controls that will be put in place to manage this risk. We will go into more depth about the dangers of asbestos next week.

If none of the above apply, you will need a Team Pack Plus
The Team Pack Plus is designed for those who move regularly from job to job and are not usually managing larger building projects. These are great for managing client inductions and managing safety procedures while on the go. Our Team Pack includes:

If you have any questions get in touch with the HazardCo Team 

Businesses (PCBUs) that work together will often share health and safety duties in relation to work done. Businesses especially have a legal duty to consult, cooperate with, and coordinate activities with all other businesses they share overlapping duties with.

What does this mean and how can you ensure that people are not harmed, and you are complying with your legal obligations? Here are some expectations:

  1. Work with designers to reduce risks 
  2. Set clear health and safety expectations and incorporate these into your agreements with contractors
  3. Ensure contractors have appropriate health and safety procedures in place
  4. Prepare a Site Safety Plan for the job and share with all workers and contractors
  5. Establish health and safety reporting requirements with your contractor. A great tool for this is to use the HazardCo App to complete Risk Assessments, Incident Reports and more.
  6. Ensure site inductions take place. Coordinate and communicate site rules and procedures to everyone who accesses the work site, this can be done via the HazardCo App by scanning the QR code located on your Hazard Board.
  7. Set up clear requirements for information sharing for the duration of the project
  8. Ensure that there is effective communication between all parties (e.g. Toolbox Meetings through the HazardCo App)
  9. Monitor your workers and/or contractors you hire


The following key steps should be followed by Main Contractor:









Working along other businesses is a natural part of residential construction. Everyone on-site has a duty to open up the lines of communication and look out for each other. 

You can read more about contractor management and overlapping duties here or if you have any questions about working with other businesses on-site, give our expert Advisory Team a call on 0800 555 339.

Even if you are self-employed you still carry the same duties under the legislation as the main contractor.

If a contractor, in turn, engages other businesses then they too must assume some of the responsibility for their work. A contractor is most likely to have the greatest influence and control of their own work activities and workers (or contractors).

There should be a way of recording your planning and the ways in which you share this information. All businesses should have access to information to keep themselves or their workers safe.

Your primary duty remains to prevent harm arising from your work. Identify risks that could arise and share information between relevant parties.

The following key steps should be followed by contractors:








Working along other businesses is a natural part of residential construction. Everyone on-site has a duty to open up the lines of communication and look out for each other. 

You can read more about contractor management and overlapping duties here or if you have any questions about working with other businesses on-site, give our expert Advisory Team a call on 0800 555 339.

We’re pleased to announce our partnership with Procore, a digital large-scale construction management software solution.

This strategic partnership brings together two leading systems, as construction companies across Australia and New Zealand are increasingly adopting on-site technology to ease their administrative burden and work more efficiently. 

We make health and safety simple, giving more than 10,000 companies the confidence they are keeping their team and their business safe, while reducing the time they spend on paperwork. Our system provides guided digital tools as well as incident support and health and safety advice when it is needed. We’re most well known for our simple and effective site induction and scan-in solution. 

“We’re pleased to be able to integrate Procore with our unique site induction and scan-in solution, making it faster and easier than ever for Procore customers to know who is on-site, and when,” said Nick Halley, Head of Product at HazardCo. “Members receive a hazard board with a unique QR code for their site fence, and everyone uses the free app to scan into site, induct themselves and accept the safety plan, with H&S docs seamlessly flowing back into Procore.”

“Our goal is to make health and safety simple. This exciting partnership between HazardCo and Procore connects construction management and health and safety together, giving building companies an out-of-the box digital WHS system that seamlessly connects with their existing workflows,” said Iain Dixon, Chief Executive at HazardCo. 

He concludes, “we regularly speak to builders that are passionate about building scalable and efficient processes for their business, but health and safety continues to be a very manual and paper-heavy activity for them. There are large gains to be made by digitizing health and safety, with HazardCo members telling us they have halved the time they spend on WHS admin using our simple system. This partnership will make it easier for building companies to streamline their processes and give them the confidence they are on top of their health and safety requirements.”

Health and safety issues arise from a worker raising concern about health and safety at the workplace and that concern remains unresolved after consultation with the worker/s and the PCBU (Employer), it then becomes a health and safety issue. 

For example, an issue could include a difference in opinion on whether something is a potential risk to health and safety, or whether a particular control measure is acceptable. 

There are issue resolution requirements in Health and Safety legislation that outlines how a health and safety issue should be resolved, with the aim to agree on how to fix the problem, as soon as possible, to avoid further dispute or a similar future issue. If after reasonable efforts the issue cannot be resolved, then it can be referred to the regulator (WorkSafe) by completing the ‘Request Assistance to Resolve a Work Health and Safety Matter’ form available on their website. 

The following details need to be taken into account when assessing the severity (risk level) of the issue, and from there deciding who needs to be involved:


What is an agreed Health and Safety Issue Resolution procedure and should I have one? 

An agreed H&S Issue Resolution Procedure is a process or steps for resolving health and safety issues in the workplace which has been agreed upon by directors / management / workers. 

You can establish an agreed procedure for a workplace. To do this, make sure the procedure contains:

It is recommended to have a procedure in place in the event of an issue arising, or the steps provided in legislation can be followed. 

How to resolve an issue

Once the relevant people have been made aware of the details of the issue and the level of risk has been assessed, health and safety regulations set out the default procedure for resolving it.

Who is involved in resolving a work health and safety issue? 

Multiple people can be involved in the issue resolution process, depending on the risk of the issue, to ensure adequate consultation and the best outcome occurs. This means it could be: 


How to involve representatives in the issue resolution process?

If you or your worker would like to involve representatives in the issue resolution process you are able to do so. A representative does not necessarily need to have health and safety expertise. This could include people such as a designer of a piece of equipment at the workplace, or a person with workplace consultation and negotiation skills. Depending on the nature of the H&S issue, advice or assistance from a range of experts may be required to reach an appropriate and informed resolution between the involved parties.

Things to remember: 


What should happen after an issue has been resolved?

When the issue has been resolved, details of the issue and the resolution should be set out in a written agreement. If a written agreement is prepared: 


Need Help? 

If you’ve got a question about Health and Safety issue resolution or any other health and safety matter, the HazardCo Advisory Team is here to help. Give us a call on 0800 555 339.

When you’re able to get back on site after a flood or storm, here are the hazards, risks and control measures you should consider to help reduce the risk of injury and illness to yourself, your workers and others involved in the clean up and repair effort.

Some common hazards following a storm or flood:


Risk Management 


Safety tips when undertaking the cleanup and repair work

If you have any questions as always get in touch with the HazardCo Team 

What is prequalification?

Have you been asked to complete an external prequalification and you’re scrambling for all the information that you need to get through it?

Going through a pre-qualification process helps to determine how well contractors manage health and safety. It asks businesses to demonstrate an effective health and safety management system and for information on managing specific risks. 

You can also use pre-qualification as an opportunity to assist and support businesses to improve their health and safety practices.

How to complete prequalification 

To successfully complete a pre-qualification it is important that you have an active health and safety system. This includes evidence to show that your health and safety system is working effectively.

You only need to complete a pre-qualification if you have been asked to. You don’t need to complete a pre-qualification from an external provider unless you have been requested to, this process can easily be managed internally. 

Our Advisory Team can step you through the typical questions you would see in an external pre-qualification and advise you on how the HazardCo system can support your application. E.g managing inductions on site, communicating with your workers, how to complete risk management. If you’re keen to access these resources or need assistance with completing a pre-qualification, give us a call on 0800 555 339 or e-mail advisory@hazardco.com

HazardCo Services

If you need help preparing for a pre-qualification, we can offer this through HazardCo Services in addition to your membership. We can arrange to carry out a review of your health and safety system and provide advice on areas for improvement, prior to you having to complete a pre-qualification. 

We can also provide in-house support to help you complete the pre-qualification, or review your pre-qualification before it is submitted and provide recommendations to assist your application. 

If you are interested in learning more about HazardCo Services you can give us a call on 0800 555 339.

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