Scaffolding – What needs checking?
May 06, 2024

Making sure your scaffolding is safe and ready for action is key. Here are the times you’ve got to give it a good once over:
- After Installation: Right after it’s set up.
- Every 7 Days: Yep, regular check-ups like clockwork.
- After Tweaks: Any time you make changes, give it a good once-over.
- Post-Storm or Shake-Up: If mother nature throws a fit, give it a look.
- Daily Check Before Use: A quick safety scan before diving in each day.
All scaffolds must be checked by a competent person before handover and scaffolds taller than 5m must be erected and inspected by someone who holds the appropriate Certificate of Competence (COC). Handover checks involve tagging the scaffolding. No matter the height, all scaffolding must have a tag clearly displaying important safety information at access points. The tag should include the following:
- Safety Status: Whether it is safe or unsafe to use.
- Contact details: The name and contact phone number of the person who erected it
- Purpose: What the scaffold is being used for
- Weight Limits: The weight loadings of the scaffold
- Platform limits: The maximum number of platforms or bays that may be loaded
- Limits of Use: Any limitations on the use of the scaffold
- Records: A record of each inspection including who inspected or altered the scaffold and when it was done.
If there’s no tag, do not use it! Get in touch with your scaffold installer to sort it out and get it tagged.
Before starting each day, a pre-start check should be done. This can be done by a competent scaffold user using the HazardCo scaffolding pre-start checklist available from the Hazardco HUB.
Every week a certified scaffolder (if over 5m) or competent person (under 5m) should be checking the scaffolding to make sure it is safe. If the inspector has found any damages or non-compliant areas of the scaffold, then the access ladders need to be removed and the tag updated stating the scaffold is not compliant and should not be used.
A thorough inspection of your scaffolding should also be conducted after any tweaks, fixes, or wild weather. And don’t forget to keep records of all these inspections.
If you have any questions get in touch with the team at HazardCo or have a look at our other working at heights blog here