Important Health and Safety Legal requirements for Construction

The construction industry is the most dangerous in Great Britain, with more work-related deaths than any other industry, like manufacturing, transport, or farming. This means that when construction workers go to work each day, they face a higher risk of not coming home safely.

Keeping everyone safe on a construction site isn’t just about wearing hard hats and high-visibility vests. It requires careful planning, preparation, and ongoing attention to the unique risks of each project.

Important Health and Safety Legal Requirements for Construction

  1. Health and Safety Policy:
    If your business has five or more employees, you need a written policy that outlines how you manage health and safety
  2. Construction Phase Plan (CPP):
    This is required by law and explains how health and safety risks will be managed during the construction phase.
  3. Risk Assessments Method Statements (RAMS):
    These documents identify potential hazards on the site and explain how to deal with them safely.
  4. Site Induction Records:
    These records show that all workers have received safety training before starting work on-site.
  5. Accident Register:
    You must keep a record of all accidents and injuries on-site. This helps identify patterns and prevent future accidents.
  6. COSHH Assessments:
    These assessments are needed to manage hazardous substances on-site safely.


How HazardCo Can Help

HazardCo provides a system that covers all these legal requirements. The App and Hub make it easy to manage and monitor safety on-site. 

The Importance of Safety

For business leaders, following these rules isn’t just about obeying the law—it shows a commitment to keeping workers safe. Using HazardCo’s system helps build a strong safety culture and proves that you are serious about protecting your workforce.

For more information on construction safety statistics, visit the Health and Safety Executive’s official website.